
วันอังคารที่ 19 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How to Make Your Domain Name Search Engine Friendly

By Tracy Hamilton

When you do a Google search or a Yahoo search you ordinarily type in a couple of words that best describes what you're looking for.

This technique of searching is fast and easy and usually fulfills your desire to find that specific product.

When choosing the right domain name you want to make sure that it is keyword rich by supplying one or two keywords affiliated with what you are offering on your website.

In order to determine what domain name you can use you will need to do a search to solve how to best name your website.

Choosing the two most significant keywords that someone can use to describe the products you sell and then adding them in your domain name is the best way to figure it out.

If you choose the most searched words you can maximize the benefits from creating your own website.

You need to make sure that you only use words that describe your business and don't be deceptive or else you will end up losing more business than you gain.

You want to be unique and stand out in a crowd and the precise domain name can give you all of that and more.

Once you have decided on your domain name you will be able to market your website and create a huge clientele. Be direct with your clients and you will reap the rewards.

If you need help deciding your domain name, toss a few ideas out to your acquaintances and see which one is preferred because chances are if they like them, your clients will too.

Tracy Hamilton is budding network marketer who has finally received the truth about marketing his network marketing business successfully. If you would like to learn more about how you can stop those hotel meetings, buying of leads and cold-calling prospects and use the internet to build a successful business, rejection-free, then visit...


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