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Exactly What is a Domain Name? Help for Newcomers

By John Lemon

Domains are an easier more efficient way for users to navigate the internet and for website owners who conduct ecommerce to create a brand and identity. Domain names, like, or, are coupled to an IP address (the IP address represents a physical location on the Internet for the search engines). An IP consists of many numbers which are often too long and too difficult to remember and not user friendly. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is the foremost body that organizes the links between IP addresses and domain names throughout the Internet, so that you can find a Web site by simply entering a user freindly domain name (which is much easier to remember) instead of an IP address into your Web browser.

A domain is made up of two essential parts, a top-level and a second-level domain. A top-level domain (TLD), referred to as the domain extension, is the portion of a domain name located to the right of the dot ( The most common domain extensions are .COM, .NET, and .ORG. Some the other more popular extensions are .WS, .INFO, .BIZ, and .NAME. These common extensions have certain guidelines you must follow in order to qualify for them, but are usually available to any anyone, anywhere in the world.

In addition to the more common top-level domains there's what is known as restricted or (rTLD's). They have extensions like .AERO, .BIZ, .EDU, .MIL, .MUSEUM, and, .NAME, requiring that the registrants represent a certain type of organization, entity or to belong to a certain community. For example, the .NAME domain extension is reserved for individuals, while .EDU is reserved for educational entities and so on.

Country-code TLDs (ccTLDs) are for Web sites and registrants located in a particular geographic location, and want users to be aware of their location such as .BZ (Belize), .CA (Canada), .DK (Denmark), .EC (Ecuador), .IE (Republic of Ireland), .UK (United Kingdom), .US (United States).
The portion of a domain name found to the left side of the dot ( is referred to as the second-level domain (SLD) name. The second-level domain name is the "comprehensible" part of the address and refers to the organization, group, or entity behind the Internet address. This portion of the Domain is what will identify and distinguish you from other entities on the internet. Second-level domain names have to be "distinctive" on the Internet and registered with an ICANN-accredited registrar.

What is a Whois listing?

The Whois record contains very important information associated with a particular domain name. It has facts such as its creation date and expiration date; the name of the registrar of record, and various contact information such as (administrative, technical, etc.). Whois records are collected at the time the domain name is registered and is a matter of public information. The Whois documentation appears whenever a person conducts a Whois search on a particular domain name to find out who owns the domain in question. However, most domain registrars offer private registration for a small fee. This will keep any private information that you don't want to be known publicly from being displayed in the Whois database.

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Your Internet Home Business Domain Name Is Critical

By Guy Siverson

There I was. Waiting in the lobby to meet my next client. Ahhh, the good life. While sipping a nice clean swallow from my filtered water bottle I catch the conversation across the way. What do you know; they too make a living on the Internet.

Then suddenly, as if my chair was ripped from underneath the perch on where I sat sending me hurdling to the floor; I heard it.

"We'd recommend you name your new website"

Now unless they were talking to Bill Gates or Billy Graham, and I was quite sure neither of those would be the case; I couldn't believe my ears. Their client was a home business time management consultant. No one would look for his website through Google or any other search engine using his first name. I wanted to get up and scream, STOP! But I think I was half stunned from the pure ignorance being displayed by people in my field.

See, when choosing a domain name you want to use your strongest keyword within that domain name for the best results. True you can build name recognition over time in some cases like and but I'm pretty sure that William the home business time management consultant was not interested in what it would take to make this happen for his first name.

Therefore, it is a much better approach to use tools like SEO Elite and HitTail to determine what your strongest keyword would be for your project and make that your keyword. At the very least they could have suggested

Ahhhh, you say. But wait! That specific domain name is already taken by someone else somewhere else.

Fine. Make it or The point is that there are options to fit your keyword into your domain name. Which do you think people will search on for a time management consultant? or You get the point I am sure.

Also, when choosing a domain name I've made it a general rule to stay away from anything that does not end in ".com". I simply have not seen a good enough argument for choosing "dot anything else" at this point. However, if I change my mind it is not difficult to purchase the "dot whatever" and redirect it to my ".com" website. I'm sure this point will probably change in time, but for now that's what I'm sticking with and hence my recommendation.

In closing, next time someone tells you to use your name as your domain name, first laugh loudly in their face and then get up and walk away. Making such a suggestion shows their obvious ignorance of what they are doing. And having a web master that is clueless about their job is certainly not going to bode well for your own success on the Internet.

Intellectual Property Rights Environment In India

By Garima Goswami


In India there is a well-established statutory, administrative and judicial framework to safeguard intellectual property rights , whether they relate to patents, trademarks, copyright or industrial designs. The contract/License, Copyright, Undisclosed information i.e. Trade Secret , Patents have an impact on software while Trade Marks and Layout Design have impact on hardware rather than the software. In this paper both impact are being focused. But before going further lets first take an overview about these areas

Contract/License: It governs or implies conditions in any transaction and its equally valid for computer software.

Copyright : It mainly lies in description, includes literary, and artistic works such as novels, poems and plays, films, musical works, artistic work such as drawing, painting, photographs, architectural design and sculptures. Basically it's the form of expression of view or ideas.

Undisclosed Information/trade secret : It's a secret. In the trade , it must not be general or public knowledge. Things which can give advantage over the competitors who do not know or use it, it mainly consist of any formula, pattern, device or compilation of information.

Patents : A patent is a set of exclusionary rights which are granted to the holder of patent by a state with the protection scope from replication for a maximum of 20 years.

Trade Marks : These are names, symbols, words or devices which are used by providers of services or manufacturers of goods to distinguish their goods and services from others and to identify them.
Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS):

The TRIPS Agreement provides protection for "undisclosed information." Such information must be secret, i.e., not generally known or readily accessible to "persons within the circles that normally deal with the kinds of information in question." Also, the information must have commercial value because it is secret and the information must be the subject of reasonable steps by its owners to keep it secret.

2.Areas Affecting The IPRs

The major areas which affects IPRs are copyrights, patents design, trademarks and trade secrets. In India government follows some certain laws and these laws used to amend timely or when required. Now, there are some provision which are personalized by Indian regime for IPRs section. This paper consists of its brief outline which is next.

2.Copyrights In India

Copyright in India is protected under the provision of Indian Copyright Act 1957. In 1994 major changes were introduced and came into effect from 1957 which make this law even toughest. The copyright law clearly explained

• Copyright holders' right

• Software position on rental

• User right for making back up copies

Since most software is easy to duplicate, and the copy is usually as good as original, the Copyright Act was needed. Some of the key aspects of the law are:

• According to section 14 of this Act, it is illegal to make or give out copies of copyrighted software without appropriate or specific authorization.

• The violator can be tried under both civil and criminal law.

• A civil and criminal act may be instituted for injunction, actual damages (including violator's profits) or statutory damages per infringement etc.

• Serious penalty and fines for infringement of software copyright.

• Section 63 B stipulates a minimum prison term of 7 days, which can be extended up to 3 years.

When an offender uses an infringing copy of a computer program, the user liable to be punished with imprisonment of between seven days and three years and a fine of between Rs50,000 (US$1,037) and Rs200,000 (US$4,150).

2.2 Design Act In India

This Act may be called the Design Act, 2000. It states that 'design means only the feature of shape, configuration, pattern, ornament or composition of lines or colors applied to any article whether in two or three dimensional "design" or in both forms, by any industrial process or means, whether manual, mechanical or chemical, separate or combined, which in the finished article appeal to and are judged solely by the eye; but does not include any mode or principle of construction or anything which is in substance a mere mechanical device, and does not include any trade mark'.

The filing of applications for Design has increased from 2874 in 1999-2000 to 5372 in 2006-07. and number of applications examined has also gone up to 5179 in 2006-07 against the figure of 2067 in 1999-2000. And the number of registered design got an increment from 1382 in 1999-2000 to 4431 in 2006-07. The figure 1 below shows the difference in number of designs registered in years

Figure 1. Increased designs

2.3 Trade Marks In India

The Indian law of trademarks is enshrined in the Trade & Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 (hereafter "the existing Act"). However, the existing Act is set to undergo a transformation to bring it in conformity with the TRIPS Agreement to which India is a signatory. A new statute i.e. the Trade Mark Act, 1999 (hereafter, the "new Act") has been enacted in India. However, the enforcement of the new Act is pending till a date is finalized by the Government of India. Under the existing Act, a trademark is a mark used in relation to goods so as to indicate a connection in the course of trade between the goods and some person having the right as proprietor to use the mark.

The protection of trademark is available only on material goods or commodities traded. But under the new Act trademark registration would be extended to services also. The followed figure 2 shows the huge difference in increased number of trademark registered since 1999.

The number of filed Trademarks were 66,378 in 1999-2000 which increased upto 1,03419 in 2006-07 and the examined trademarks in 1999-2000 were 42500 which raised to 85185 in 2006-07. The number of the registered trademarks in 1999-2000 was 8010 which increased upto 109361 in 2006-07.

Figure2. Increased trademarks

2.4 Patents In India

As per the provisions of the Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement under the WTO, India was necessary to amend its Patent Laws to provide for a TRIPS compliant regime by January 1, 2005. There has been extensive debate within the country about what the contours of India's Patent Laws should be.

Mainly based on Indian Patent Act Amendment 2005 where a patent for any invention granted under this Act' , "invention" means any invention or technology which has not been anticipated by publication in any document or used in the country or elsewhere in the world before the date of filing of patent application with complete specification, i.e. the subject matter has not fallen in public domain or that it does not form part of the state of the art.

The Indian Patent Office granted a record 15,262 patents during 2007-08, the government said, more than double the 7,539 granted the previous year (2006-07) and nearly eight times more than the 1,911 patents granted three years ago, in 2004-05. Historically, the total number of patent filings by residents of India is just three per million population, against a world average of 250. The figure 3 shows the drastic increase in number of filed , examined and the granted patent and its expected that the number of granting patents will be double in next year.

Figure 3.Patents increased

2.5 Trade Secret In India:

The importance of Trade Secret in the ambit of intellectual property has gained extensive recognition so much so that trade secret protection of working technologies has taken priority over patent protection. TRIPS includes provisions for the protection of Trade Secrets, under the general term 'Undisclosed Information', the modalities of achieving this has been left to the individual members as to how to make available such protection.

Trade secrets are protected in India either through contract law or through the equitable doctrine of breach of confidentiality. It is common to introduce clauses of confidential nature in a technology transfer or other license agreement to keep up the confidential nature of the subject matter, not only during the employment period of the employees and contractors but also after its termination, though for a fixed period of time. The skill, knowledge and experience of a particular profession can also be protected in certain circumstances from misuse through contractual obligations.


In offshore business model, Intellectual Properties protection is a significant element. Intellectual property lose may cause the severe loss of position of any industry. The knowledge these IPRs of the country will help to reduce this kind of risk for sure. As intellectual economy is the core of intellectual Property so the knowledge of these four factors are very much crucial for the sake of intellectual economic growth in India. So its necessary commit for the protection and to develop the IPRs in Indian computer industry with these secure regimes.

How to Make a Profit On Domain Names

By Frank Lira

It is said that the land rush today is a virtual one, taking place online through the purchase of domain names. There are certainly fortunes to be made in domain names, as previous sales of single names have commanded six and seven figure price tags while whole portfolios have sold for tens of millions of dollars. But that is the exception to the rule, and most portfolios are valued at much, much less. Some portfolios, or single domains won't sell at all, so where is the value in that? In this article, we will look at some of the different methods professional domainers use to build a quality portfolio of valuable domain names and how they make a profit.

The first thing to consider is why you want to make money with domain names and what you hope to obtain from them. Are you hoping to purchase low and resell the domains for a profit? Or is it an investment with a long term strategy of website development and growth? There are many different paths to take when participating in the domain after market, and understanding where you want to go is the first step towards getting there. Some paths are riskier than others, so evaluating your options ahead of time will help you become better prepared for the challenges to come. Not everyone can make money with domain names, but the persistent and motivated often do. Once you have a clear vision of what you want, it becomes much easier to make choices that will move you in that direction.

The most obvious way to make money with domain names is to buy low and sell high. This is one of the most common methods used on the stock market and can be very profitable in many domain situations as well. All domain names start out at the registration fee, which can be as low as six or seven dollars per year for .com, .net, and .org domains. If you happen to register a domain that others perceive has value, the difference in the registration fee and this perceived (and/or actual) value can be a nice profit for the domain owner. Domainers who make money using this method often follow trends in the domain marketplace, registering keywords of new Top Level Domains (TLDs), registering and reselling desirable domain patterns (three letter domains, three character domains, etc), or just following what's hot or picking up established domains as they expire (which is a method in and of itself). The general idea here remains to buy a domain at a bargain and find a buyer who also sees value in the domain and is willing to pay a premium for it.

The upside to reselling domain names is that you can generate a decent amount of profits in a relatively short amount of time. The downside is that it may not always go as planned, and you will not always find a buyer for your domains right away. It can be tough to find buyers for specific names and if domains aren't reasonable priced, a buyer may never appear. Another downside is that you only make money off your own physical effort. You have to take the time to find domains to purchase, follow through with the purchase, and then find a buyer and complete the sale. This process can take quite a bit of time and involves a degree of risk. You may also find yourself holding onto domain names a lot longer than initially thought and end up playing the waiting game. With most domains, there are much better ways to produce profits, but don't discount this method for its potential ability to generate income in a short amount of time with the right domains.

Paid parking is another method for making a profit on domain names. This works for some names, mostly generic domains, typos, or names that receive steady traffic. There are many different parking programs available, but the basic idea is to sign up with a paid parking service and then send your domain traffic to their servers. Their servers will then display ads and search boxes on template generated websites, and you earn a portion of the revenue if anyone clicks on a link or purchases an advertiser's product. This system works when the domain earns more revenue per year than the cost of the yearly renewal fees. For instance, if you pay $12 per year for registration fees, the domain would need to earn slightly more than $1 per month to be a worthwhile option. Any less and it costs more to maintain the domain than the amount of money the domain produces. The plus side to this method is that once the domain parking is setup, you don't have to do anything to earn income as long as your domain receives traffic.

Many domainers will park new domains they purchase in order to gauge traffic and see if the domains will be profitable on a paid parking service. If a domain shows the potential to make revenue, they will most likely keep it for the passive income. Otherwise, they will look at other options for making a profit on the domain.

You may also consider developing a website around a domain name. The site could sell products, subscriptions, offer content and display advertisements, or offer varying combinations of techniques to generate revenue. The idea is to build up a profitable website and in essence, create a resellable asset that produces income. Having an established website (profitable or not) can greatly increase the value of a domain as well as make it appeal to more buyers. With this method, you can build up websites specifically to resell, or hold onto them for a continual income stream.

As competition in the domain marketplace becomes increasingly fierce, more domainers are becoming webmasters in an effort to maximize their profits and revenue while dramatically increasing the value of their portfolios.

Hopefully by now you have an idea of some of the main methods used to make money with domains. There are countless other methods for turning a profit, and numerous variations of the methods described in this article, but having a base of knowledge provides an excellent starting point. The key is to know what you want beforehand, learn as much as you can about specific methods that will help get you where you want to go, and then keep at it until you succeed. Many people fail because they give up, or don't do the research beforehand and end up losing money in bad deals. Making money with domain names isn't a get rich quick scheme, but with enough effort, motivation, and patience, anyone can succeed.

Frank Lira earns a living as a domainer Read for tips on how to profit from domain names.

How To Buy A Domain Name?

By Francois Devdas

When you decide to setup a web site, buying a domain name is the first obstacle that you come across. If you don't know the market you can end up spending quite a lot of time and money on this task alone. Still the only way to make the correct decision would be to try all the registrars and make a few mistakes along the way.

Information given here will be useful to shortcut this long process and make a quick decision to get your on line journey started pretty quickly.

Some of the question you have to answer are

1.Where to buy the domain name from?

There are many options, I spent quite a lot of time researching different registrars (people who register domain names for you).

The main choices are big international registrars vs Local Registrars. I would highly recommend going with the international registrars. They give a very user friendly control panel. It's very easy to setup and maintain your domains. In my case I had to learn the hard way that this was the cheapest and easiest option.

The other option is to buy your domain from a local registrar, these are resellers. They buy domains from big companies and sell us. This is more expensive as well as troublesome.

The local company I bought domains from was a big pain. No support, they kept changing there server IPs all the time so that I had to keep track of their changes and change my email settings etc.... They are also more expensive than international registrars. Once I decided that I've had enough with this local company it cost me more money and time to transfer my domain to the other place.

2.Discounts ?

There are quite a few coupon codes that you can be used with your chosen registrar.

3.Which name to buy ?

The domain name you choose is very important for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on your site. So select a name relevant to what your site is going to be about. For example if its about cats, make sure the "cat" keyword is part of your domain name. You can get quite a bit of traffic that way simply because people are searching for these keywords. So how do you find a great domain name? Well you can brainstorm all day! Or you can simply use tools and just enter your keywords.

These will give you a long list of domain name to select.

Stop wasting your time with unproductive research. Find out which free tools to use with the best domain name registrars who offer great discounts and service.

All Tips and Tricks revealed here at Domain name and Tech Blog

Domain Name Lookup - How To Do It And Why You Might Want To

By Dee Buteland

There are many reasons you might wish to do a domain name lookup. These may include the following -

1. To find out if a name is already taken, if you wish to buy it. You may have a great idea for a site, and need a particular name. (In this case, just type the domain name onto the address field of a browser. You will either get a message that the site can't be found, which implies it is not registered yet; or you will be taken to a web site which uses the domain name already.)

2. To see which individual or company owns a specific domain.

3. To get the contact details for the owner of a domain, so that you could send an offer to buy it.

4. To use the lookup information to contact the domain owner or technical contact to complain about something offensive or inaccurate on the web site, or, for example, because the site has content or images which have been taken from a site you own yourself, breaking copyright. (In this case, the nameserver information may give a clue about the name of the hosting service used by the domain owner, whom you could also complain to.)

5. To contact the owners of a domain who have infringed on a trademark which you own or control.

So, how do you do a domain name lookup anyway? Simply go to and use their search boxes. This is free. (Apart from, there are many other domain name search tools too, of course.) Minimum registration data for existing domains which you will be able to see following a lookup includes the registrant's name, who the domain is registered through, and the nameservers. Depending on the registrar's policies and setup, you may also be able to get a contact email address, a physical address and a phone number for the registrant and for the technical contact.

In addition, you may be able to see the date when the registration of the domain expires. This does not mean, of course, that the domain would be available to buy after that. Most domain registration services now have automatic domain renewals when the expiry date arrives, to protect their customers.

In some cases, the owner of a domain will have made a private registration, so that no personal details are available through who is lookups: the registrar's contact details will be available instead.

In addition, most of the good domain registration services will allow you to do a domain name lookup, then buy any available domain there and then.

If you wish to lookup and buy a domain now, see my domain name registration page for tips on exactly how to do it.

Dee Buteland writes about domain names, buying domains, and making money from domains.

3 Reasons To Buy An Existing Domain Name

By Deanna Mascle

When the time comes to set up your own internet business one of your first thoughts is to buy a domain name to establish a web site for your new business. You may spend a lot of time dreaming up possible names and testing their availability but there is another option you should consider -- buying an existing domain name.

Obviously you do not want to buy an existing web site for your new business as you wish to create a web site that accurately reflects your business vision, but there are a number of advantages to buying an existing domain name and if you do not yet have your heart set on a new domain name you will likely find an existing domain name available at a price not much greater than you will pay for a fresh name and an existing domain name brings a number of advantages.

One of the primary advantages of an existing domain name is that it already has traffic flowing toward it. Obviously the amount of traffic will vary greatly depending on what the current owner has done for promotion but any traffic is more than the zero visitors a fresh name will deliver.

Another advantage is from search engine optimization. Many domainers will have at least put in a small amount of time optimizing their domain name portfolio for search engines. Others put in a great deal of time and effort targeting key words and making sure the domain name is listed. It takes time for various domain names to work their way into search engine listings and if someone has already done that work for you then you are ready to capitalize on their groundwork as soon as you take over the name.

A third advantage is that the wild frontier of short, targeted, key word domain names is over. It is not impossible but very difficult to find an unregistered domain name in a short, catchy phrase and even more so if you have a specific key word in mind. However, many of the domainers who registered these domain names did so as an investment rather than a long-term project of their own and so are willing to sell. The only way to acquire many of these great domain names is by purchasing an existing domain name. You will not be able to find one to register fresh.

Choosing the right domain name for your internet business enterprise can be an exciting and challenging time but if you take the time to learn more about the available domain names you can buy then you just might find the bargain of a lifetime and start off your business with a bang.

My Domain Name Should Be Private

By Daniel Sullivan

This article is going to help you decide on choosing between a private or public domain listing. In general you should always keep your personal information private. You wouldn't make a billboard size photo of your social security card and advertise it on the freeway for everyone too see. Therefore why would you make your information available on the Internet for the world too see? This is an unwise choice; every time you purchase a domain name,web hosting, or even a blog your personal information is posted in an online data base called a WHOIS directory. This data base includes your name, address, and phone number. If your a business owner this will also include you business address and phone numbers. The Who is data base will always include your business and personal email address. The reasons why you wouldn't want this information made public is.

1.Thousands of unwanted spam email messages.

2.Junk mail to your home or business.(Wasted time and labor hours opening junk mail.)

3.Telemarketing calls to your home or business.

4.Identity theft.(If I have your name and address I can assume your identity.)

5. The world is a dangerous place you don't want strange people to know where you and your family work and live.

Therefore keeping you personal information private is the only choice you as a smart consumer should make. Once your information is concealed the only information available is an email address to your web administrator not your personal address. You also have the option to set up your private registration to include an email address on the service that you registered your domain name with. Therefore you can access any email set to that address if you so choose. When registering a business domain name you would use the same process as a personal domain. Keeping your business information private will save you labor dollars in the long run. As a business owner having a website is a must too survive.Cutting unwanted costs should be at the top of that list. In closing by keeping your personal and business information private on the world wide web you will reduce your chances of unwanted mail,email,phone calls,and identity theft. is a great resource for all you private domain name registration's we are an ICANN accredited domain listing agency. Every time you use are service you can be assured that ICANN and will keep you information private on the world wide web.

Revenue Domains Exposed Review - How to Make Money Buying Domain Names?

By Clifford Willey

Does the Revenue Domains Exposed guide work? It is supposed to help you make money with expired domains, something I had always wanted to try but lacked the guidance to do it correctly. Eventually I decided to get the Revenue Domains Exposed system, and I will be sharing some of the tips and strategies I learnt in this article.

1. How Does Make Money With Expired Domains Work?

There are many domain names on the internet that are neglected and left to expire, either deliberately or accidentally, that actually receive a very good amount of web traffic. Such domains are really profitable once you get them, since you are able to instantly get traffic to your site without having to work for it. Once I learnt all these concepts, I immediately knew that I wanted to become a domain name investor, and my decision was really good as I now have several domains making me good money without much maintenance.

2. How to Find Profitable Expired Domains?

Even though thousands of domains are expiring daily, only a small handful of them receive enough traffic to make them worth a look. Also, you must establish the type of traffic that the site is receiving (targeted or untargeted, paying or non-paying etc.). The site then has to be setup correctly to monetize the type of traffic coming in, and Revenue Domains Exposed will teach you the exact steps needed to monetize a domain right. Once you find a profitable domain and are able to convert the traffic into sales, you have got for yourself a small online passive income stream.

3. How To Start Making Money With a Domain With Traffic Once You Get It?

The fastest way would be to setup a page with relevant advertisement links so it allows you to monetize the traffic while you build up more pages of content to make more money with the traffic. You can also put affiliate links that point to relevant products to make affiliate commissions.

4. Conclusion

Making money with expired domains can be really easy once you have a step-by-step plan that can be duplicated over and over again. The Revenue Domains Exposed has given me a simple to follow system that I am using to find and profit from expiring domains consistently. Check out this great concept of making money online below.

Domain Name Disputes on the Rise

By Christina Doucet

More people are attempting to make money off of the mistakes people make when typing in a well-known domain name, according to new findings from the National Arbitration Forum.

People often invert letters or add an additional letter when trying to access a popular website, typing in instead of These misspelled site names are available for registration as separate domains if the intended website has not already obtained the rights to them. Google alone has spawned several of these misspelled sites, known as 'cybersquatters.'

Cybersquatting is a lucrative business. Advertisers are eager to post ads on these pages due to the large number of people that mistakenly see them. This generates large advertising revenue for cybersquatter domain owners.

Yet this practice is considered illegal if the misspelled site name attempts to profit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else.

Disputes over domain names can be resolved within the industry by the Uniform Domain Name Resolution Policy process from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Domain disputes involving trademark infringement can also be disputed in standard courts or through arbitration.

Alternative dispute resolution service provider National Arbitration Forum oversaw a total of 1,805 domain name disputes in 2007, up from 1,658 in 2006. Cases filed with the FORUM are heard and decided by independent, neutral panelists who have specialized domain name, trademark, copyright and/or e-commerce experience. Panelists are located around the world and can conduct proceedings in several languages.

In a summary of their findings from 2007, the National Arbitration Forum found that there have been 9,916 domain name complaints since 1999. Of these filings, panelists heard 8,006 cases, with the remainder being settled by the individual parties.

"Disney", "Hershey's Kisses", "Webkinz" and "Univision" are a few of the famous trademarks involved in notable decisions in 2007. Cybersquatters are forcing popular websites such as these to be more diligent with their trademark monitoring.

For more information visit

Surviving Expired Domain Name Industry

By John Bj Khu

As a newbie and fresher to the expired domain industry, you may commit plenty of mistakes and blunders until you read, learn and understand the basic aspects and principles of the industry. The first mistake that every one of us invariably make is to buy expired domain names that are useless and devoid of any real quality. Rarely will you be able to buy a great-expired domain for a very low price and later sell it at an exorbitant cost; in fact, you may even loose your hard-earned money by buying inconsequential expired domains and subsequently sell them at very low selling prices. There are many instances, when you will buy a series of domains expired, which others are not even ready to touch with a bargepole.

These are all quite common mistakes and blunders that a new and fresh dealer will unknowingly do and commit. It is quite common too! As an expired domain name trader, your sole aim must focus at buying great domains at reasonable prices and later use the purchased domains to make money and a residual stream of passive income. Here are some ideas and practical suggestions that will help you buy good domains:

Get out of comfort zone and start working: Most of us always believe in only good things and we never try to look at the bad part them. More often, we also like to remain in our comfort zone, by believing that expired domain name can provide us an unlimited income. Get out of that ugly comfort zone and try to understand what the industry really is. Neglect and ignore all those myths that surround the industry. Instead, focus on the possible disadvantages and negativities of the industry. Go to an internet forum on expired domain names and start learning more about them. When you learn more about the industry, you will be saving both time and money.

What do I want to do with the expired domain names? What exactly do you need from this challenging industry? Are you just looking for a good domain and sell it for a small profit? Are you searching to find a great domain with plenty of traffic and inbound links? These are some of the simple questions and queries that will help you establish your presence in the industry.

Am I ready to spend some money appraising expired domain names? Appraisal is one of the most critical aspects of expired domain industry. A good appraisal report will inform whether the domain name that you wish to buy is really good or not. An appraisal report is an invaluable document that gives a series of very vital and sensitive data about a particular expired domain name.

Expired domain name industry can provide you an excellent opportunity to earn some decent income. However, you will need to know the industry inside-out, so that you will not waste your time and money by committing avoidable blunders and mistakes. The most favorable approach to pursue this business is to empower yourself with the latest knowledge and skills of the industry.

John Khu is an author and also a seasoned professional with vast experience in expired domain name business. He is the owner of the path breaking web site called which provides complete and up-to-date information on expired domains and their eternal secrets.

Your Domain Name for Life

By Xylene Belita

Look everywhere, do you see how many people have computers at their homes? Almost everyone. In this age, we are in the modern world of internet, whether communicating, selling, advertising and so on.

Families who are separated by work schedules talk to each other online. Friends who want to update themselves go to internet cafes. Even those people who make new friends, make new friends online. Are you one of them?

Now, have you ever thought of setting up an online store? It is in fact possible. You can. But you should have your own website, with your own domain name, so you can sell your products online. Do you have a domain name? If you do not have one yet, get one. I made a website for myself. You can make money online, it is possible to sell to people who are physically away from you. They do not have to travel to go to your store, they can just log in to your online store! How would you like that? It will make it easy for you and your customers without so much hassles. They can even save time shopping online.

Do you want your own website? What domain names do you want? You can decide for any domain name you can think of. It is your decision. No one else can make a website name for you, but you. Start now and get one. Make your own website. It will be the best thing you can do.

In my website, it is possible for me to have ten email addresses which I can share to my family or to anyone I want. But I am only using two for now. How good it is to have one email address or ten email addresses at your own domain you can have for life. So good.

I work at home and earn from internet opportunities and affiliate programs. Check out my website at Click here for more online opportunities information! I have a blog too, visit - Thanks.

How To Purchase A Domain Name

By Todd Ash

Hyphens are permitted in domain names, but should you use them? Including a hyphen in a domain, means that users can make mistakes when typing it into the browser address bar, especially seeing that most users are use to domain names like happy birthday Hyphens and numbers are a no-no.

Imagine telling someone your domain name and then reminding them to use a hyphen between this word and that word and, oh yea, don't spell the numbers. Hyphen symbols are also allowed, but cannot be included in the beginning or the end of the domain name.

Purchasing a domain is very easy and available at less than $10 a year, so it is a very inexpensive yet potentially valuable asset.

If you are considering purchasing a domain with a high PR that is not well indexed or doesn't have many backlinks, you've got to stop and think for a minute. Google has made it well known that it considers relevant backlinks, among many other criteria, in assessing PR. In child care, as in any profession, the quality of your Web site makes a lasting impression on parents searching for child care.

Domain Lookup already supports 20+ of the world's top registrars, with another 34 being added in April. No one sees your domain searches except the users and their chosen registrar, minimizing the risk of your domain.

Unfortunately, you've never done this kind of thing before and you've just created a nightmare that seems to have no end. I always thought that purchasing a domain is always difficult because to purchase one domain with available PR you need to search through thousands of them. Thinking of it makes me sweat!

Registering your own domain name means that you have the sole use of this internet address and your email address is your own. It is independent of the service provider that you choose to use which gives you the freedom to change providers without "changing your address". Register now to avoid getting stuck with " ".

You don't have to have an active Web site or a Web design consultant or even a hosting provider to own a domain name. Registration for agloco is free and earnings will come from the number of people you introduce to download the viewbar, the number of hours your use the viewbar to browse and adverts clicked upon by users.

Remember to choose a domain name that is short, memorable, includes a keyword and that matches your websites name. If the preferred domain name already is taken you have to get creative. Remember that the idea is to create domain names that people can easily remember, and just as easily type into their browser. Remember always go for .com extension which is the best.

Prices for web hosting have plummeted in recent years, so it's generally a good idea to pay a small monthly fee for a hosting service. Prices can be 70% less than other domain name providers and you can have private registrations. Godaddy is very user friendly - 24/7 live customer service plus step-by-step guides and a huge Help Section,Knowledge Base with QA's to help you.

Todd Ash Is An Entrepreneur and A Master Of Network Marketing.To Find Out More About Succeeding Online Click Here To Visit For Free Information

Domain Estate 101

By Scott Lee Brown

Where do I buy the domains from? What makes a good domain name? What is domain parking? How will I make money from this?

Are you interested in making money from small $5 investments? Are you interested in owning internet real estate that could be the next worth millions? Then this article is for you. I will explain to you the basics of owning a piece of that internet pie. Some of the tools, tips, and tricks of the trade that I have learned over time. Use my mistakes and my successes as a spring board to your own successes. Enter the world where dreams are made, clicks become your profit.

First comes the research. In this stage of the game it is your goal to research the many variable aspects of domain buying. There are multiple ways to make money from domains. One way is to buy and sell domain names. Another way is to park domains for ad clicks. Research is the most important aspect to domains as it is the difference between you buying to something useful like understanding the market is key.

Another important aspect to domain resale is the tools. You will need to find tools to conduct your research. There are many tools on the web related to domains. Such as domain appraise tools, current domain expiration lists, current top domains, and estimation bots of a new domains worth.

One of the last things to look into is how do domains make money. Here are the two biggest ways a domain will make you money. They are both very different in nature and require different aspects of research. What may be a good resale domain may not be the best parking domain and vice versa.

Buying domains with the intent to resell is one of the biggest ways to turn a $6 investment into a $10,000 profit. In this category your goal is to purchase domain names which will have a mass market value based on there size, keywords, and marketability. One good example of this are the domains. As a type in ("type in" refers to a name that would be directly typed into the address bar, not searched for) might not get the most hits but as a a resale domain it is worth A LOT. So remember that while doing research ask yourself do I want to park domains or do I want to buy/sell domains?.

The other way to make money from domain names is to park them. In this aspect you look for different variables then you would for the selling market. When you park a domain you want to receive the most amount of traffic possible. Therefore your domains should be ones that are easy to spell, easy to remember, and something someone might "type in" to a URL bar. Most parked domains receive money when its name is typed into the URL. Therefore where might me not so good for a domain as a reseller it fits in well with domain parking as it could be a common mistype while trying to reach

This was just the dipping of your feet into the world of domains. If you would like more information you can find a full written guide below.

Check out my blog at for a more expanded view on domaining for beginners. Including tools, important sites, and help on buying your first domain.

Monetize Your Domains

By Ross Conte

Well heres a quick step by step on how I Monetize the traffic on my domains.

Step 1

I host the domain on a hosting account. From there I will put up a page that says "Coming Soon" or "Under Construction" and I will list some of my sites or possibly some affiliate links. The reason I list some links is to see if the traffic will click on them because if they do then obviously it is real traffic and I could possibly get clicks once fully optimized.

Step 2

Install Google Analytics. I think this is the most important step to this whole thing. This will tell you where the traffic is coming from and how it is getting there. Plus how long the people are on the website, ect. Basically gives you tons of stats on where and why the traffic is there. Now I leave it like this anywhere from 1 week to a month depending on how much traffic is actually coming to the site.

Another thing I would like to point out is AwStats is very helpful if installed on your server. It will let you know if bots are crawling and such.

Step 3

After I feel that I am ready to monetize the traffic I will change the name servers and park the domain at the desired parking company. From here I will leave up the standard parking template until I start getting clicks. If clicks are scarce I will often mess with the template and see if that helps. Once I start getting clicks I begin to mess with the keyword depending on what the traffic is clicking on.

Doing it this way I have found to make more than just messing with keywords and hoping I get it right. I think this a more accurate guess on what keywords to use and what your traffic is looking for.

Helpful Tips: is your friend when monetizing expired traffic. Often times the traffic of these types of names are from back links from other sites of the related topic.

Google Keyword is a GREAT tool to find keywords that relate to your topic and actually have ad competition. This allows you to pick high paying keywords easily.

Babel Fish is a great language translator that will help when translating your keywords. Don't be afraid to monetize for foreign traffic. Often times this is why people don't get clicks is because the visitor does not understand the language that is presented. Just make sure you analyze your traffic correctly before selecting a foreign keyword Find this article and more about domaining!

How & Where To Buy A Domain Name

By Richard Bonner

Creating a website isn't just a matter of picking a subject and getting it up and running, you often have to put a lot of consideration and research beforehand when choosing a domain name. There is a lot of controversy about domain names, people say that having the keywords in the domain name will give you a small advantage opposed to not having them in - don't get me wrong, you can rank a domain name for anything you desire but if the little boost is there, why not go take advantage of it?

However one thing is for sure, having the domain name targeted to the sites niche will make it more user friendly. For example if you were to have a website on long term care insurance and your domain included that phrase, people would be able to identify the nature of the website before they have even looked at the site, this could reduce your bounce rate as you wouldn't have people visiting unless they were genuinely interested. If you find out that the perfect domain name is taken, for example '' you could try different variations including hyphens (-). If you have your heart set on that domain you could contact the current owner and see if they would be willing to sell the domain name.

The next question is where do you actually buy a domain name from? There is no simple answer, there are hundreds of different places you can buy domain names from so you need to look around to ensure that you get the best deal. Asking friends and family is a good idea because you need the company to be reliable yet affordable. Don't just assume that the cheapest place is the best as you will save the most money, you have to look into the support given if required and more importantly the charges when it comes to renewal or domain transfer. You would hate to find a good deal when buying a new domain name then one year later have to pay an extortionate renewal fee.

Once you have found a reputable company you should check if they accept any discount coupons, these can save you a great deal of money if you plan on buying a number of domains in the near future and trust me, it can be very addictive because if you find a domain that you believe you can develop - you have to buy it before it goes. The process of checking if the domain name is available is very simple, on the chosen website there is often a search facility where you can simply type in the domain name and within a few seconds it will come back whether it's available or not. Be sure to double check the domain name is spelt correctly because if you rush through the application and then realise that you have misspelt the desired name, there is nothing you can do about it.

It's that simple in today's world that some companies actually allow you to buy a domain in just 3 clicks! Don't be afraid to buy domains from different companies if they are holding various offers at the time of purchase, on the other hand you may want to keep everything in the same place so that managing and checking domains can be done with ease.

View more tips on how to buy domain name. If you want to register domain name ensure you pick the right company that is reliable yet affordable. Long term care insurance was also mentioned in the article, feel free to find out more information on long-term care insurance.

Domain Selection - 5 Tips For Choosing A Domain Name

By Raju Pallan

The domain name is a very important part of your website. The careful selection and key wording of your domain name is one of the most crucial parts of the initial steps in setting up any website. Here are the 5 tips for choosing a domain name.

1. Buy shorter domain name:- It is always better to choose a shorter domain name for your website. Shorter names are also easier to remember than long names or phrases. Choose something that would make you click on if for further information.

2. Keyword inside:- It is better to add your keywords in your domain name. This is because many people look for websites using keywords. Having keywords separated by dashes in your main domain will help you in getting traffic through organic search results. If you want your site to be ranked high by the search engines then it makes a huge difference if your main keyword is in your domain name.

3. .com is the best:- .com is always the best extension to have, if people can't remember what is, that is the one they will try. Buy the others as well if they are available and redirect them to the .com. There have been rumors that the extensions other than .net, .com or .org , have less weight with search engines.

4. Expired domains:- You can look up expired domains that are either short, have good names, have keywords, or have back links. These domains can be like gold because the past owners may have put in a great deal of effort in getting web traffic. These types of domains should be considered if you already have an existing domain name. The price tag is usually a lot higher than a brand new domain name.

5. Put up a parking page:- After you buy a domain, immediately put up a parking page with keywords and some inbound links. Even if you don't intend to use the domain for several months, aged domains have more value and legitimacy to search engines. You want a portfolio of domain names that is aged like fine wine. This way, when you start new projects, it will seem like the sites have been up for months or years and have just gained popularity and content.

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Secrets For Registering Domain Names

By R. Scott Hall

Purchasing domain names can be a great investment and have a big payout at the end. The hardest part is picking the right one. Once you've done that, you need to follow the rules and regulations associated with the domain business including registering the name. The name has to be registered once a year and only costs about ten dollars per name. If you forget to register the name, you've automatically lost it so it is really important to remember your annual deadline.

When you do register, make sure that you read the fine print at the bottom, if applicable. I know most of us when signing up for things don't ever read the license agreements and just automatically click on the box agreeing to the terms and conditions, but doing that is not the wisest thing. You should always read the fine print on everything!

You may be surprised to find that the registrar will have guarantees that are ridiculous because the guarantees they promise are features that any registrar should have anyway such as a high code security, customer service, security holds, land rush charges, renewals, support if your domain name is stolen and property protection.

Always check the validity of the company you are choosing to register your domain name with. Become familiar with the website ICANN for all the rules and regulations of registering your domain name.

Finally, there are plenty of scams out there with people conveying that they own a registered name and will try to sell it to you even if they don't own it. If you find this to be a problem, make sure to report it.

To learn more about buying and selling domain names visit the author's website at

Your First Domain Name

By Peter J Clayton

A flashy website for your business or well presented pages for your personal work is an excellent way to get yourself a step ahead in this hi-tech age. But without a good domain name all your hard work could be lost.

A rose by any other name

Buying a domain name is a simple and relatively cheap task but the real skill is in choosing one that is relevant to your website, memorable and descriptive.

A domain name may be up to 63 characters in length but as a rule the shorter is the better, as long as you don't start using hard to remember acronyms. And the snappier it sounds, the more people who will remember it.

It may contain hyphens, underscores and all sorts of special characters but these are best avoided too. Why complicate your sites name by adding them and risk confusing your users? This is especially important when giving out website address verbally.

Which domain suffix is for you?

While you, the user, will chose your domain name without any real restriction the suffix - the letters following said chosen name in the website address IE '.com' - must be chosen from a set list.

There are hundreds of suffixes available but you will want to steer clear of all but the most popular or those that signify your geographic location.

Both '.com' and '.org' are popular global choices but because of this they will be more costly. Better alternatives for - though not restricted to - UK residents include '' and '.eu'.

How much and how many?

In the beginning, companies and individuals bought themselves a single domain name for their company. Then as the internet became a true medium for business all that changed and everybody went name buying crazy.

The effects of this were two fold - Domain names became a lot cheaper but at the same point many of the good ones got snapped up by companies wanting to protect their brand name or by greedy prospectors who bought to sell on at profit.

Today you can buy a domain name for as little as ฃ2.99 a year or spend hundreds of thousands - it's all a case of shopping around, not just from your ISP provider and domain host but all across the internet.

And the big companies were right... If you find the domain name you like (and can do so cheaply) then protect your investment and buy the same name with several different suffixes.

Spread the word

Once your domain name - or names - are purchased and processed it's time to get out there and publicise yourself. Your domain name is the key to your websites success, so scream it from the highest rooftop.

If you've chosen right people will remember it and your websites traffic will shoot up. And if you haven't, then fear not because using lessons learned you can buy a new domain address and re-invent yourself in hours never changing your website itself.

Peter Clayton's prestigious 10 year history in web development includes acting as the new Director of PR and Lead Content Editor for Pulse Web Hosting - a newly unveiled company which provides its users with simple, fast and reliable linux web hosting, domain names and email services.

The Mistakes that Internet Marketers Make When Choosing Domain Names

By Nathalie Fiset

Having your own site or pool of people to make famous on the Internet can be quite an exhilarating experience, and it is this exhilarating experience that Internet marketers go through almost every day, if not every hour. Because of the vast landscape that is the Internet in terms of tastes, demographics, and age; and because of the rapidly changing face of these same tastes, demographics, and age, Internet marketing can be a challenge. Internet marketers have to be constantly updated on trends in the market: what words do people respond to quickly? Does a long domain name mean uniqueness or will it turn people off and annoy them?

These are only a few questions that Internet marketers ask when it comes to choosing a domain name for a site. A domain name is simply the short hand URL of a website, and it can be followed by a dot com, dot net, dot org, or dot biz, depending on the nature of the company that owns the domain name; for an extra fee, companies or businesses affiliate themselves with their countries and thus have an extra extension at the end of their domain names. The short hand can be as obvious as dot US (for U.S.-based companies) or dot UK (for companies based in Great Britain); or it can be more attuned to the country's old spelling, such as dot DE (for companies based in Germany, or Deutschland, to the Germans) and dot hr (for companies based in Croatia, or Hrvatska).

Choosing a domain name can be fairly easy, but then again, a domain name is also the name that a company will bear for quite a long time online. It needs to be short enough so that it can still be picked out as unique amongst all the other domain names out there; and needs to be long enough that it can still allow people to know what the company or business is without them forgetting what the URL is at all. There are many ways that Internet marketers can go wrong when choosing a domain name, and sometimes, it's all a matter of common sense.

Domain Name Choosing Myth Number 1: The Shorter it is, the Better. This is not always the case: with people scrambling all over the World Wide Web for a short domain name, your short domain name can get lost in the Internet muck of domain names. If you are only one domain name amongst the many, you'll have an even harder time standing out unless you are already a well-founded company with a solid following offline.

Domain Name Choosing Myth Number 2: A Dot Com is Always Better. Remember, you choose your domain name extensions for a reason, not for a money hunting season. Take on a dot com if you are a commercial firm; if you are a private individual, you can also take on a dot com, but you might not find yourself on the receiving end of the money that you might want if you take on dot net or dot biz. A dot net extension is for networks, a dot biz for businesses; there are also dot govs, for government institutions, dot edu for educational institutions, and dot org for organizations. Remember, your domain name identifies you, so pick the right domain name extension.

Domain Name Choosing Myth Number 3: Sex Sells! Well, not all domain names are sexed-up of course, but sometimes, overweening Internet marketers tend to think that sexy names will make domain names even more interesting. If you're selling lingerie and sexy outfits, then by all means, go for pretty-lacy-encounters dot com. But if you're not, save your dignity and look for a domain name that speaks about you, not your wish to apply desperately to the basest instincts of people if only to make money.

Domain Name Choosing Myth Number 4: Txt Speling S Nyc. Watch your spelling and don't go Net-Speak on your domain name! Remember, if you can't spell it right, people may actually look at you as someone who can't do anything else right. True, you may sound hip to the younger crowd, but are you sure that you want to keep your poorly spelled domain for the long haul when your market finally grows up and discovers the power of good spelling?

These are only a few tips that you might want to keep in mind when choosing a domain name. Choose a name for your site as you would choose a name for your child: you want your kid to have fun on the playground and not get picked on; you want to make money online, and not get laughed at.

How to Pick the Perfect Domain Name for Your Website

By Nathalie Fiset

Today, it's a known fact that a web site without SEO doesn't stand a chance against other SEO-friendly sites. There are a lot of possibilities that it might not be indexed by different search engines. As a result, this site has poor ranking among search engines and therefore poor in conversion rate. This situation may have happened to you or might happen in the future. Though it seems it's certainly not a big issue which needs mending immediately, especially if you are still new to web site developing, there are just some important things you must learn and things you should avoid doing.

What makes a domain name perfect?

Choosing a domain name is considered to be the major factor when aiming for a good web page ranking. So what really makes a perfect domain name? Aside from being brandable and SEO-friendly, it must have these qualities too:

• Moderately short. By keeping away from having a long domain name, it will help the users stumble on your website

• Easy to remember. A domain name must be descriptive to help users memorize it with ease.

• Simple to spell.

One of the most generally used aspect when selecting the domain name is the use of keyword in a URL. You can get the idea of opting for a domain name that has little rivalry but with a high demand and it will eventually help in making your site SEO-friendly.

Make your domain keyword-rich and unique

Your domain name must contain a word which generally summarizes your website. With keywords, emphasize on putting an effective keyword on your domain name to lead users to your site. The usage of three or more keywords can put a harmful impact, as it can make the domain name longer and there is the chance of misspelling when the user types in your domain name. Subsequently, it would be better to use two keywords at most. A further downside is that it lengthens your email address too. Thus, it is suggested that you use catchy and shorter domain names.

Separate your keywords to make your domain name more effective and attractive

An additional vital factor to bear in mind in naming a domain is the use of a hyphen if your domain name contains more than one keyword. For example, if you have two, three or more keywords, without something that separates them, the search engine may perhaps regard as it as a single keyword. With that, it is recommended to use a hyphen or hyphens to break up the keywords. However, for the users, a domain name lacking a hyphen is far easier to recall and those with hyphens have a tendency to confuse the users. But don't get disappointed yet, there is a solution to this problem. You may:

• Do make use of a hyphened domain name at the stage of registering with a search engine and during online advertising.

• At the same time, use a domain name which lacks a hyphen to help the users who have a preference for typing keywords during their searches.

Focus on making your domain name SEO-friendly

Making your web pages at the top of any search engines comes down to making your website SEO-friendly. This is essentially a method of what search engines use to search for websites when a user types in a keyword. Naturally, the websites which play this game precisely will discover themselves on the first few pages of any search engines for their specified keyword.

A key factor of SEO is links to the other websites. The definite phrasing or wording you may use in the link that shows on other websites is known as the "anchor text". You get to choose your own anchor text to make it as interesting as possible to attract users into visiting your site while they are on other websites.

Considering all these aspects, it will certainly help your choice of brandable and SEO-friendly domain name for your very own website. Furthermore, you may register several alternates for your website but paying for a single domain name. Also, it is best to avoid using numbers in your domain name to prevent confusion.

How to Look for the Best Domain Name Registration Service

By Nathalie Fiset

Internet marketing is probably the most dynamic job that anyone can wish for today. In Internet marketing, people get to promote people online, in an extremely different marketplace, where tastes come and go, and where you cannot predict who is accessing a website at the other end of the world. Internet marketing is highly volatile as well: what is today's apparently big trend might be tomorrow's major dud, and what is tomorrow's major crowd drawer might be yesterday's corny joke. Moreover, the Internet is a highly dynamic environment where people are linked closely to one another, so that once news about something leaks onto the Internet, it can spread like wildfire in mere minutes. This means that if you have something good to offer, the world can know about it instantly - but if you have a bad name building up for yourself online, people will shun you even before you step out onto the Internet arena.

In order to best market yourself, you will need a good website that is well designed and easy to navigate. You will also need to have a good domain name that will separate you from everyone else and make you unique. This domain name has to be registered with a domain name registration service in order for you to formally pay your fees, and for other potential domain name buyers to recognize that the domain name is already your own and can no longer be bought. As an Internet marketer, you may need to find the best domain name registration service around, as there are now many domain name registration services available.

First of all, do you need only a domain name, and to register it, or do you also need web hosting space? Some web hosts also offer domain name registration, and because these hosts need to make a living, they are tied up with reliable domain name registration services. You can take advantage of these packages in order to find a package that will allow you to save money in the end, and still have the domain name registration that you need. However, make sure that the same hosting service also has good amenities and features to go with its hosting plans: although some hosts will offer you a lot of web hosting space and domain name registration, you might have only one or two years to keep the domain name before it expires and you have to pay another fee.

Second, what domain name extension are you going to apply for? Are you going to get a dot com, dot net, dot org, dot biz, or a country extension? For some hosting and domain name registration services, the fees will be the same no matter what your domain name extension letters are. However, for some exclusive domain name registration services, a country extension can be more expensive. You will need to scout for the lowest prices for the domain name extension that you want in order to get the best bargain for you.

Take note, moreover, that some domain names can be more expensive than others because speculators believe that they will be bought by more affluent companies, thus bringing the domain name registration service more money. This brings us to the third qualification for a good domain name registration service: you will need to have a list of possible domain names with you, and then look for these domain names and their prices through the domain name registration service's search engine. You will need to see which the best domain is for the best price in order to get a better bargain. Prices will differ from one registration service to the other, so you will have to look through as many services as possible until you find the best price.

Lastly, do not settle for the first domain name registration service that you find. There are virtually thousands of registration services online, and you can have your pick of all of them through your favorite search engine. All that you need to do is to be wise enough to know which one offers the best prices, and for your country or the domain name that you would like to have registered.

These are only a few tips that you can follow as you look for domain name registration services. For more information, do your own research and talk to your fellow Internet marketers about their own domain name registration experiences.

The Complete Guide To Choosing A Domain Name

By Mark A. Abrahams

Knowing how to choose a domain name is one of the most important things that you need to learn. The reason for this is that it represents your address on the internet of your physical website.

This is absolutely critical as this will represent your business identity. If you get this wrong it will make it more difficult for you to succeed. There are hundreds of millions of names on the internet today with the rapid explosion.

My approach to choosing a suitable one is the following. Say for example if you are selling weight loss products and the name of your product is Herbal Go. You cannot name your site herbalgodotcom. The reason for this is that it should be a name that people will be looking for if they search on the internet. So in this example it could be loseweightfastdotcom. If you have a few links pointing to your website there is a much better chance it will be found when somebody types in lose weight fast.

Similarly if you own an offline business the domain name should be exactly the same as your business. For example if you owned a store called Joe's Used Cars then your name would be So if somebody is looking for it on the internet they would simply type in the name of the business and find it.

I am sure that you get the idea now. This is a really important point. Just think about Google do you think they would be so successful today if they called it a long and obscure name. It helps to build your brand up and also increase your business.

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

3 Reasons Why You Should Buy An Existing Domain Name

By Kevin Sinclair

When you are starting out in business and the time is right to set up a website, one of the first thoughts you are likely to have is to buy a domain name for your company. Whilst you may well be enjoying coming up with possible names and checking out if they are available, there is another option you can take and this is to buy an already existing domain name.

Clearly an existing website is not what you are looking for as you will want to create one of your own revealing your business vision, but the benefits of buying a domain name already in existence are numerous so if you have not set your heart on a totally new domain name this is an alternative option open to you.

The main advantage is that the website already in operation has traffic flowing in its direction. The particular amount of traffic will obviously depend on what effort has been put in by the current owner by way of promotion. However, any traffic at all is better than nothing and the number of visits shown on the website will be more effective at drawing further viewers than one stating zero, as would be the case in a brand new domain name.

Search engine optimization is also an advantage as the current owner is likely to have spent a little time optimizing the domain name portfolio for search engine benefits. Many owners make a specific effort in targeting keywords to ensure the domain name gets listed. In this way you can capitalize on their earlier efforts which have allowed their (and now your) domain name to work its way into the listings of the search engines.

A third advantage is that the day of short and targeted key word domain names is past. In fact it is practically impossible to come up with an unregistered domain name of a brief and memorable nature especially if you already have a certain keyword in mind. However, many of the catchy domain names which were registered previously were done for short term investment purposes so you may find they are willing to sell on the name. This is really the only way to get your hands on one of these pre-existing domain names.

Selecting the perfect domain name for your internet business can be both challenging and exciting, but if you do some research and find out about the availability of existing domain names you may well discover a super bargain which will get your business off to an excellent start.

Discover Kevin Sinclair's system for making profits regardless of whether anyone joins your network marketing business.

Expired Domain Traffic - Is It A Bane Or Boon?

By John Bj Khu

There are two or three different classes of expired domain traders and they always look for different things when buying their preferred expired domain names. What one works for a domain trader may not really work for others! One class of traders may choose and buy names for future web site development, while the second class of traders make it a point to buy an expired domain name with a specific future customer in mind. However, there is a third group of traders, who consistently buy expired domains with plenty of expired domain traffic or expired traffic. These traders value traffic immensely and for them, an expired domain with plenty of traffic is a god-sent opportunity and a great money making option.

Traders buy expired domains just for their traffic and they park their domains at highly lucrative places that provide them an opportunity to earn some form of income. These domains parked on web portals like Sedo ensures an ongoing income just enough to sustain the cost of maintaining the expired domain. Domains that come with considerable amount of expired traffic are always premium and costly given their immense commercial value and importance.

Now, the most important and critical question is how can one find an expired domain with plenty of expired traffic? Right now, there are just a few methods that will help you to find the amount of traffic. But, you can be assured of its traffic, once you find a domain and track the traffic statistics over that domain. Most of the traffic associated with a given expired domain could be useless and commercially unviable. Some amount of traffic can come from either links or type-ins. For example, is not that sort of domain that a person will automatically type on the browser window. However, this type of domains could have a substantial amount of traffic associated with it. You can use a convenient tool that will allow you to find out how many links a well known web portal like shows, to see if the domain still has a traffic ranking, or you can alternatively use to see, if the domain has a Google PageRank or not.

However, you should be extremely cautious, while buying an expired domain exclusively for domain traffic. In many cases, people like you may be just trying to see, if the domain you are trying to buy has an established traffic. This type of traffic is not the real traffic and search engine may never recognize this traffic. Again, if the domain that you buy has a number of traffic it does not mean that the traffic is real. May be the links point to dead sites or to a place where no one ever visits.

Thus, to identify whether an expired domain has a verifiable source of traffic or not is actually quite difficult. You will also need to try and use a number of tools and utilities to verify the expired domain and its expired traffic.

John Khu is an author and also a seasoned professional with vast experience in expired domain name business. He is the owner of the path breaking web site called which provides complete and up-to-date information on expired domains and their eternal secrets.

.ORG Expired Domains - Understanding Their Merits

By John Bj Khu

Everyone prefers to own a .com type of domain extension and .com continues to lead the domain pack for its perceived benefits and advantages. Though, .com continues to dominate the domain names, .org types of domain names are increasingly becoming well known for their better and cleaner image. This could be due to their non-profit and charitable origins and their altruistic nature. Furthermore, a domain extension that ends with .org tends to be seen by many people as something good and honorable. In fact, people can easily identify a charity or non-profit owned web portal ending with .org extension better than an ordinary .com web portal. Of late, .org expired domain names are making news as more and more expired domain traders are buying an .org top level domain name.

What does an .org expired domain means to you? How can it help your expired domain business? Simply speaking, an .org type of expired domain can form a viable and safe substitute for a .com type of expired domain extension at least in some areas. Several types of .org expired domains are available these days and some of them relate or belong to following categories of activities:

1. Charitable activities

2. NGOs

3. Non-profits

4. News or blog sites

5. General and useful info related web portals 6. Directories

7. Review sites

8. Free utilities

Tip: Though, an .org domain is meant for non profit and organizational activities, people are using this type of domains are other activities that non business in nature. Just some time back, people used to think that .com type of extensions were the exclusive properties of businesses and corporate houses. But, people do use a .com extension for other purposes as well.

There are no restrictions on how you can use a, .org type of expired domain name. There are many entrepreneurs who use .org type of name to sell products and services that belong to advertizing sectors. It means that the image of an .org being a non profit type of domain extension is just an image and nothing else. An .org type of expired domain could lead to a hefty profit, because there are many organizations that keep looking for a good .org top level domain (tld).

Today, non profits and organizations are becoming corporate like entities with very strict public image consciousness and awareness. If you feel that you have very good .org type of expired domain name, go out and grab it immediately. But, ensure that the .org expired domain that you wish to buy has no established trademarks associated with it. .Org type of expired domains must elicit a good response from people who keep looking for relevant information on non-profit and grant making.

John Khu is an author and also a seasoned professional with vast experience in expired domain name business. He is the owner of the path breaking web site called which provides complete and up-to-date information on expired domains and their eternal secrets.

The Best Premium Domain Names

By Jeffrey A. Schneider

The key to unlocking the awesome power of the world wide web, is to simply own and control strategic keyword .com names. This statement has been the mantra of the growing number of investors and small business owners on the Web today. The investment class of premium .com domain names is the fastest growing investment class on the planet.

Anyone interested in joining the ranks of successful domain name investors will tell you it is the most exciting investment class that is available to investors today. The 800 pound gorilla of this investment category lies within the .com extension. It is the extension of choice for all the worlds dominant players in the eBiz space. This extension has created more, over night millionaires than any of the other extensions combined.

The preference of most of the worlds most successful companies, has and always will be the .com extension. Even so, competing extensions like .tv and .mobi have been introduced by I.C.A.N.N. as alternatives to the .com extension, to appease the great demand pressure for good domain names. Many of these extensions have invested a lot of time and money trying to convince business owners that their extension is the extension of the future. Professional Web developers and business owners have obviously not been convinced of this.

The competition for strategically targeted keyword .com names is so fierce that large corporations have resorted to U.D.R.P. filings in order to try and steal these already leased names from legitimate paying small business lease holders. These U.D.R.P. filings are a shady way to legally steal names from their rightful owners. Most if not all U.D.R.P. filings go after the prized names in the .com extension. So as you can guess there are reasons for this preference for .com extension names and it all boils down to money.

The .com extension has become the leader in Web traffic and volume business revenues, in spite of all the competing extensions advertising spin efforts to convince business owners otherwise. So we 10 years ago decided to concentrate our investments in the .com extension. We ,luckily, put together a marketing strategy to take advantage of the awesome marketing power of the world wide Web staying within the dominant marketing channel of the .com extension.

The strategy we chose incorporates key word .com names and has evolved into what we have come to call premium, Vertical, Branded, Key Word, Domain Names. It was a simple idea and it has been said by others down through history, that sometimes the simplest ideas are the best ideas.

Here is an encapsulated explanation of the strategy. As we said we have incorporated key words with a short memorable branding handle. The branding handle we chose, for obvious reasons, was eBiz. So for example we chose the keyword of US, and came up with USeBiz, with a .com extension attached.

There you have it. A Concept that has created premium, vertical, branded, key, word, domain names. Does this sound like an answer to mass market goods and services over the World Wide Web ? We think the future holds great promise for people who have been creative within the .com extension. The beauty of these names we have created, is that they take advantage of the power of Targeted Key Words and of course the awesome strategic power of the top ranked .com extension.

Jeffrey A. Schneider
Former Marketing Analyst/Rockefeller Foundation

Have You Thought Of Using Domain Parking To Make Money?

By James Duarte

Domain parking is one of the laziest ways to make money with domains: you don't need to pay hosting fees, design a site or create content. This advertising practice it's very easy to understand: you point your domain to some parking company, they display some ads and when someone clicks those make money.

It's similar to Google AdSense (they pay for the clicks your ads receive) but involves less efforts (you can reg. and park +100 domains in the time that it takes to develop one or two domains).

There are many domain parking companies like Sedo or NameDrive ( is much better than Sedo in my experience) and were talking about a big industry with many players involved.

Some Guys Make Fortunes With Parking....While Others Make Pennies

Domain Parking is becoming an increasingly lucrative business but the problem with it is that the parked domains don't rank well at the search engines. That's why they receive low traffic from the search engines and that's why
there are some guys and companies making fortunes with parking, others are making just pennies.

Now...How do the big domainers make money with parking?

They get domains with traffic just from the start. That's all. They focus on 3 types of domains only:

1) Type-In Domains: Domains that the users type without going to the search engines. Example:

2) Typo Domains: Mispelled Domains (You can't imagine the big traffic that comes from here).

3) Expired Domains with Traffic.

See? Domain Parking it's a Great Industry and if you do want to get into the domain business, its my suggestion that you try to learn the basics and the secrets before doing nothing.

Learn the basics and the secrets of the domain parking industry.

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