When you decide to setup a web site, buying a domain name is the first obstacle that you come across. If you don't know the market you can end up spending quite a lot of time and money on this task alone. Still the only way to make the correct decision would be to try all the registrars and make a few mistakes along the way.
Information given here will be useful to shortcut this long process and make a quick decision to get your on line journey started pretty quickly.
Some of the question you have to answer are
1.Where to buy the domain name from?
There are many options, I spent quite a lot of time researching different registrars (people who register domain names for you).
The main choices are big international registrars vs Local Registrars. I would highly recommend going with the international registrars. They give a very user friendly control panel. It's very easy to setup and maintain your domains. In my case I had to learn the hard way that this was the cheapest and easiest option.
The other option is to buy your domain from a local registrar, these are resellers. They buy domains from big companies and sell us. This is more expensive as well as troublesome.
The local company I bought domains from was a big pain. No support, they kept changing there server IPs all the time so that I had to keep track of their changes and change my email settings etc.... They are also more expensive than international registrars. Once I decided that I've had enough with this local company it cost me more money and time to transfer my domain to the other place.
2.Discounts ?
There are quite a few coupon codes that you can be used with your chosen registrar.
3.Which name to buy ?
The domain name you choose is very important for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on your site. So select a name relevant to what your site is going to be about. For example if its about cats, make sure the "cat" keyword is part of your domain name. You can get quite a bit of traffic that way simply because people are searching for these keywords. So how do you find a great domain name? Well you can brainstorm all day! Or you can simply use tools and just enter your keywords.
These will give you a long list of domain name to select.
Stop wasting your time with unproductive research. Find out which free tools to use with the best domain name registrars who offer great discounts and service. All Tips and Tricks revealed here at Domain name and Tech Blog |