When you are starting out in business and the time is right to set up a website, one of the first thoughts you are likely to have is to buy a domain name for your company. Whilst you may well be enjoying coming up with possible names and checking out if they are available, there is another option you can take and this is to buy an already existing domain name.
Clearly an existing website is not what you are looking for as you will want to create one of your own revealing your business vision, but the benefits of buying a domain name already in existence are numerous so if you have not set your heart on a totally new domain name this is an alternative option open to you.
The main advantage is that the website already in operation has traffic flowing in its direction. The particular amount of traffic will obviously depend on what effort has been put in by the current owner by way of promotion. However, any traffic at all is better than nothing and the number of visits shown on the website will be more effective at drawing further viewers than one stating zero, as would be the case in a brand new domain name.
Search engine optimization is also an advantage as the current owner is likely to have spent a little time optimizing the domain name portfolio for search engine benefits. Many owners make a specific effort in targeting keywords to ensure the domain name gets listed. In this way you can capitalize on their earlier efforts which have allowed their (and now your) domain name to work its way into the listings of the search engines.
A third advantage is that the day of short and targeted key word domain names is past. In fact it is practically impossible to come up with an unregistered domain name of a brief and memorable nature especially if you already have a certain keyword in mind. However, many of the catchy domain names which were registered previously were done for short term investment purposes so you may find they are willing to sell on the name. This is really the only way to get your hands on one of these pre-existing domain names.
Selecting the perfect domain name for your internet business can be both challenging and exciting, but if you do some research and find out about the availability of existing domain names you may well discover a super bargain which will get your business off to an excellent start.
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