Earning money from parked domains can be one of the most lucrative automated business you can ever do. You simply buy domains, which cost pittance these days, redirect it to a parking company for free, and start counting cash.
Sounds easy? Well, it is, IF you know what you're doing. Today, 99% of the people would make nothing with their parked domains, waiting months or years for their first penny to come. Think about it, if it were that simple, wouldn't everyone be doing the same?
To make money parking domains, there are many essential factors:
1. The domain name that you register
2. The type of keyword and market you're targeting
3. The parking company you choose to park your domain names
4. The amount you're paid for each click on the advertisements on your domain (usually, this amount plain sucks, until you know how to get more)
5. The amount of traffic you get (from search engines or type-in traffic)
So what are the steps to get started?
1. Register a domain name
2. Sign up with a parking company for free
3. Follow their simple instructions to point your domain towards their servers
4. Start making money parking domains, by simply repeating the above steps!
Some of the good parking companies are NameDrive, Sedo etc. You can sign up for free there, without any domain quality requirements. Some parking companies might need you to have a specific amount of domain before you can sign up, or domains of specific type (eg. no dashes or numbers, dictionary word etc.)
But simply following the above steps won't do! Its important how you achieve your steps. If you really want to start your own domain parking empire and make money parking domains, you need to know the secrets used by those who earn the most. Click Here to learn how to start making money from your domain parking business in just 48 hours, from scratch! |