When choosing a domain name enlist the help of others. Make a list of domain names and then ask this "panel" to choose and rank the ones the like from one to ten, ten being the best. Take the top 50 percent of these names and have a large number of people rank them. Remember in this you will want to have originally submitted to the first panel as many domain names as you possibly can come up with.
Use words in your domain name list that are powerful and reach out at you. Words that have energy in them. You can also use words that rhyme and that alliterate. Krispy Kreme or Blackberry, Coca Cola, all use this technique. Remember if you can when making your list of domain names for the first stage of you panel to rank, that powerful words, words the reach out and touch, alliteration, and rhyme can all be used and mixed.
When choosing your names try to be grammatically accurate, that they are spelled correctly or spelled phonetically in a memorable way. Try not to misspell major words in your domain name. Use shortened words and spelling only if they appear to be eye catching. Register correctly spelled domain names if you use and register a domain name with a deliberately misspelled word which will keep others from trying to use your brand. Again, be careful if you are trying to spell out your domain names list for the panel that when you do you spell correctly.
The most remembered extension and the most sought extension should be .com. When people think of internet address dot com is what they remember and go to first. So don't make your main website a dot net, or dot, org, or dot any other thing. You may wan t to purchase the net and org extensions and all the rest to protect your internet business from others who will try to use you brand with that extension, but your main page should be a dot com. So remember when making your list for your panel that dot com is your assumed address ending.
So, following these easy directions you will create an online brand that will be easy to remember and one you can be proud of. Don't lose your visitors to a domain name that cannot be remembered and too easy to misspell. You want every visitor who is looking for you to find you! Your domain name is an important part of your online branding.
Copyright 2008 by Ian RoeBuck Permission is granted to reprint this article in its entirety, provided nothing is changed and the Author's Information Box is included. Author's Information Box: Ian RoeBuck is a multiple streams of income Internet Marketer and home business consultant whose websites include: http://megatrafficnow.bravehost.com |