If you have your own business or you are planning to start one, it's essential to have a memorable domain for branding it. In this article I'll give you some tips for choosing a good domain name for your business website.
Be creative. A good domain name consists of easy to remember words. Don't try to think of complicated or long names, because they will simply get out of your visitor's heads when they close your website. Use general vocabulary and avoid technical or complex words.
Be unique. Select your domain name properly so it won't interfere with your competitors in your niche or business. Do not use common names such as brands, companies or products in your domain. Avoid abbreviations, unless they are something very familiar for the average Internet user or consumer.
Be smart. Think like a marketer and see which words will be best for your SEO optimization and PPC advertising. Usually the search engines love the domain names containing dashes or underlines, but you should avoid them, because it's not comfortable for your users to type long domain names and also they are not suitable for mouth-to-mouth advertisement.
One of the mistakes many marketers and business owners do is to use misspellings in their names. Do not use them, because you simply do not look professional. For example, do not use "4yu" or "4u" instead of the original "foryou". Yes, it's easier to type "4u" instead of "for you", but you will confuse your customers and while they are trying to access your website, they may land on a competitor's website instead. And last but not least, do not use numbers or other symbols in your domain name. It's not generally accepted in the Internet to use digits or other symbols in the domain names, so it's better not to use them unless you have a good reason to do so.
Georgi Jivankin is an undergraduate student, but in his spare time he works as a freelancer and internet marketer. click here to visit his website for more information. |