If you want to start a home business, and are looking to the internet for some ideas, but don't really want to get into website building etc.. why not consider creating and selling domain names?
There are many internet marketers out there that are making good money selling domain names. Especially ones who started early when the internet was just getting started.
But its not too late. Take a look at what is going on around you for some ideas and niche's, when the gas crisis hit, there were many domain names created for websites on saving gas. Try to come up with original niche ideas, that would be good for a website, and try and create a domain name to match it.
If you thought it was a great idea, chances are someone else will like the idea too, and purchase your domain name from you. If your domain name is really catchy it could fetch a high dollar amount, and wouldn't that make your day!
While you are brainstorming these brilliant website ideas and domain names, make sure to write them down, it is easy to forget them during your busy day. Then do a search on a domain registry and see what comes up. Don't be discouraged by "this name is already taken". Keep trying, and then once you find that perfect domain name, register it, then it is yours.
Then you have to decide what to do with it, you could choose to just keep it and renew it each year, you could start that website, or you can sell your domain name on the registry or sites like Ebay. Or you can park it where it will make you some advertising money.
There are a few parking sites out there, and if you have quite a few names, it would be something worthwhile to consider. You might as well turn those pieces of future real estate into some cash.
http://www.workingdomains.info - click here to start making money with your domain names. Why just leave them sitting, you could be making a regular income from this online business. Article by Diane Palmer |