In essence, there are two main methods to derive a substantial income from a collection of expired domain names. Expired domain market is a possible source of income to you, only when you know the nitty-gritty of operating within the permissible levels of safety and security. People buy expired domain name to create a pool of income, provided the just purchased domain possess some amount of traffic. You can buy expired domain name to make money only, when you are sure that the domain name that you buy is not a dud or filler!
As mentioned before, you may wish to buy an expired domain name after ascertaining that it has some traffic, either in the form of type-in or as traffic from people visiting the web site. A type-in type of traffic is the traffic obtained, when people type a into their browser windows to see and check what is in there in that web site. On other hand, established traffic means there were site visitors, who used to visit the domain in its previous avatar.
You can a buy an expired domain name to create a pool of money by setting up the following type of programs:
Buy an expired domain name to create affiliate programs: If you feel that your domain is getting a fair amount of visitors everyday, and when you know what they are looking for on your site, then you can set up an affiliate program to earn some money from an expired domain. Let us say that you have an expired domain called and you may find that a few people type that domain in the browser to see and check what is available on that domain. Now, that you know there are some people who are looking for curios, you can immediately create an affiliate program, by signing up for a suitable program that deals with curios. By doing this, you can redirect traffic straight to it and use the ensuing opportunity to turn highly targeted site visitors into dedicated buyers.
When you buy expired domain name, you can also use its hidden advantages to create income by signing up for a pay per click search engine or bulk traffic aggregator program. If you feel that you have more general traffic or traffic that is non-commercial in nature, then you can sign up for the services to take in a large amount of untargeted and general site visitors and later match them up with beneficial sponsored links.
When you buy expire domain name and use it for this purpose, you can lay your hands on a few cents for every visitor that visits a particular landing page and later clicks on a special link. While some PPC search engines pay a flat fee per click, others may pay a small percentage of the revenue earned from such exercises. On the other hand, bulk traffic aggregators mean that they take unfocused and random traffic and try to cajole them into commercial directories that pay on a percentage basis. These services are useful for those people, who have a large inventory of expired domain names. You can a buy expired domain name and link them to traffic aggregators, so that it becomes commercially viable to keep it for a long time.
John Khu is an author and also a seasoned professional with vast experience in expired domain name business. He is the owner of the path breaking web site called which provides complete and up-to-date information on expired domains and their eternal secrets. |