
วันเสาร์ที่ 30 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

What's in a Domain Name? Your Business Success

By Erik Gifford

A good domain name is imperative to creating a successful network marketing website. Your domain name serves a variety of purposes and gives visitors an indication of your website's theme. A good domain name will make your website grow by drawing in interest from the web.

There are several methods of choosing the right domain name for your business website. What sounds good to you? What is the most appropriate name for your business based upon personal preferences? Make note of these names and save them for reference, but don't purchase a domain yet.

The next step is to ascertain how the domain name will reflect on your network marketing business. There are many services online that research keywords for you. They can show you the most relevant keywords for your network marketing business. These keyword services can help you decide on the appropriate content, what words to use and possibly even a domain name.

Purchasing a domain is an easy process. The best way is to evaluate a number of domain name registration companies. These online entities are known as "registrars." You can begin narrowing your selection once you locate a number of suitable registrar companies.

Does the registrar accept a variety of payment methods? This is very important, as your registrar should be eager to work with you. They should be focused on catering to the needs of the customer. If you find a registrar that is a "credit card only" company, then avoid them. These companies are notorious for being somewhat lazy and providing poor customer service. If they aren't willing to work with you when you are giving them money, then you can imagine what it will be like should you need technical support.

You also should do general research on each company to ensure there aren't any complaints against them. Has anyone reported an experience with them? Were their reports positive? Is there any indication that the company does not provide adequate service? You also can check with the Better Business Bureau, but keep in mind that companies aren't required to list themselves with the BBB. An absence of a listing doesn't mean they are not legitimate. It simply means they aren't listed.

You will purchase a domain name for your network marketing business in the same way you would any other product. Your purchase will be good for one year; you will be able to repurchase your domain annually. The domain price should never be more than $15. You should remember that you get what you pay for and a very low price may indicate a very small registrar. Your ideal price range should be between $10 and $15.

Domain redirection is a simple process that can have great results. This is the act of purchasing extra domains and having all traffic going to those redirected to your primary home page. There are many methods for redirecting traffic from a domain to your website. DNS redirection employs the use of IP addresses and independent servers. If your domain names have a unique server, DNS redirection should be adequate and simple. This method of redirection is usually free.

Inline redirection involves linking a URL address with a file in a different server. This may involve a small annual fee. This provides a link on the spare domain's landing page that visitors can click to continue on to your main website.

Domain forwarding is most often offered at no cost to domain owners. This is an automated process where all traffic to the spare domain is automatically forwarded to your primary domain.

Finding the right domain name is easy with all the options available to webmasters today. Keyword research and free advice is available across the Internet to accommodate your needs. You can have a domain name that helps build a successful network marketing business with a few clicks of the mouse and a few hours of research.

Network marketing and MLM home businesses will benefit by having unique domain names.Erik Gifford,a network marketing internet attraction marketing coach has posted a free article at network marketing guidance


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