In all probability you should be matching up your domain name with your niche. A niche is a focused targetable portion of a market such as electronics, auto, pets, food, etc. It also can be focused on a subcategory such as cell phones, car tires, dog toys and cheese. So if for example your site is focused on selling cheese directly or offers a service for cheese, then you would most likely pick a domain name that matches what your selling, so we could try CheeseForSale, BuyCheese, CheesyGifts, or you could get a little more specific and if your selling a certain kind of cheese or your most popular cheese you could call the domain name BestGouda, IncredibleCheddar or BakedBrie (which is spectacular but taken). All of this domain names would not only match up with what your selling which is terrific but it in turn would also bring more people to your site.
For example if someone is searching for Baked Brie they would do a look up and on a search engine type in Baked Brie and if your domain had X amount of backlinks it would show up. On the other hand, if a person is searching for Baked Brie they could also go to the address URL bar and type in BakedBrie or BakedBrie with an extension such as com biz info and your site would most likely show up if they type in the correct extension. This is another reason why extensions are so very important! A lot of new people on the Internet don't even realize that names like biz, info, TV are available but, they do know, however, that com is an extremely popular extension so they will be more likely to type in com than biz. It's just common sense.
You have to think back when you started using the Internet, what did you know, what existed, what didn't, what was possible, what wasn't? Unless you were an extremely intelligent person with an IQ of 9000, then you probably started out the same way back then that people start out now, which is not really knowing much of anything. Try not to think like a pro when it comes to these simple things, instead try to think like the people that are going to be looking for your domain name. Domain name popularity is also important by choosing keywords. If you choose a keyword that is too popular, your site might never be seen. If you choose a keyword that no one else has ever heard about, it will never be seen. Just choose wisely and smartly that's probably the best all around advice I can give you!
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