Of all 288 top level domains .com is still the Godfather. It is by far the most registered top level domain. Companies use it as their main domain and investors confide in it to generate revenue traffic.
And here emerges the potential clash as brand-related domains are great for revenue traffic, hence converting investors into domain pirates and companies into victims of brand abuse.
If you are not Google with a budget to secure thousands of brand related .com domains then a less ambitious approach will still work. First action step is to test your brand against the top 10 most common terms for .com domains used by domain pirates and register domains still available. the terms can be tested at our web site.
Here are the 10 terms for .com which are used together with company brands
1. wwwbrand.com
2. mybrand.com
3. ebrand.com
4. thebrand.com
5. buybrand.com
6. brandonline.com
7. brandsucks.com
8. brandusa.com
9. brands.com
10. brandcom.com
A new study conducted by Corporation Service Company concludes that domain pirates are more skilled than brand owners at using domain names to obtain direct traffic to their own web sites.
47 top brands were examined for 100.000 brand-specific domain names and the results were surprising. 72% of all domain names did not belong to the brand owners. The traffic revenue generated from these domains was sufficient for domain investors to become domain pirates.
The study furthermore revealed that the most abused business sectors are :
- Banking and financial services
- Consumer electronics
- Telecoms
- Computer industry
.com is by far the top level domain where most brand abuse is happening. Other popular brand abuse domains are generic top level domains (org,biz,info,net) and European top level domains where there are no restrictions: .de, .co.uk, .be and .eu.