Buying the right domain for a new online business is as important as the business itself, but most of people tend to ignore this fact. A perfect domain helps you achieve success with search engine rankings and also creates a brand for your business. Buying the wrong domain will make it harder to brand your online business. If you wish to build a profitable online business you need something that will clearly distinguish you from your competitors.
Here are some tips you should consider before selecting a domain for your business:
Use Keywords
Having a keyword rich domain name would be the first and most important step to starting your online business. Keyword rich domain names are among the most important factors which affect search engine rankings of a website and its exposure to the visitors. This will bring you search engine traffic; this traffic will buy from you or become leads for your affiliate programs. Having a keyword rich domain will help you with three important sources of getting traffic for your website, Organic Traffic, PPC and type in traffic. For example will be the right domain to pick if you are selling trade show items. Not only it will help the owner achieve higher search engine rankings but also elaborate their business in its name only.
Ignore Hyphens
There is a common mistake that many people make when buying a niche domain, they use hyphens to separate their keywords. An example would be for a travel domain name. Now the problem with hyphens is that using them makes the domain name difficult to remember and hard to type. I remember a friend having an entertainment niche domain name and he had it announced over local radio. Instead of getting any big increase in number of visitors he received several complaints that his website went down or it's inaccessible. He later realized that it was because his domain name was too long and had hyphens in it, which made the listeners confused and they could not figure out the right way to spell the domain name.
Easy to Spell
Always remember when you select a domain that it should be easy to spell. You should know that many internet users are not great with spelling; therefore you should avoid such words which are hard to spell. for a real estate domain name may look good for SEO perspective but in reality who would remember such real estate domain names? The basic rule is picking up domains easy to spell and short enough to be remembered.
Now you know how to make the right choice of niche domain names for better search engine rankings and easy to remember. Keep these three rules in mind and you will never pick the wrong domain name again.
Be sure to pick the right domain to represent your business, get keyword rich niche domain names and see the difference.
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