I am 54 years old and retired from the Federal Goverment in which I did 29.5 years of service including 4 years of military time. Since that time I have spent a lot of time and money seach for the right Home base Business especially selling and marketing over the World Wide Web. I love working out of my house setting at the computer.
Where as I can wake up without the sound of an alarm clock, walk about 5 feet to my office and I am at work. There is a since of freedom working for your self and working at home. The only possible disadvantage if I can call it that is you are in responsible for everything from picking the right products to sell, marketing, advertising and learning what works and what doesn't. I found one program with a product that seems to me to be the easiest to sell online and it is ten bucks a month. It might not seem like much but this little ten bucks a month can turn into ten thousand a month if your are consistent.
Considering all the other programs that I have joined, ten dollars is not bad for a month. Let take network marketing and multilevel marketing in which you have pay normally from $50 to $100 a month and they tell you to contact you warm market first. You have go out and drag all your friends, family and relatives and hardly do they ever join because they are really not interested but they do not want to hurt your feelings and you get desperate and try your cold market and you end up getting the cold shoulder. If this does not apply to you then I am not writing this for you to read just those who have had similar experience as I have had.
I am tired of programs offering great benefits but never delivering. As I stated before I am 54 years old and I do not have the time to be wasting money on programs that over promise and under deliver. I have one program in which I believe to the best, it only requires you to pay $10 bucks a month and over a period of time you could be making as much as $10k or more. For more Information Log on to http://income4freedom.ws |