Domain names are a symbol of you owning the name of that particular domain. Therefore, when you register you domain name, you will be having your information publicly listed. With full control over your domain name, the web hosting company sometimes still hide you information like your telephone numbers, address and email addresses. Web hosting companies of registrar do this if they provide you with the privacy service. Although they provide some sort of protection, this protection is powerful enough to protect you from spam but can do nothing about law enforcement agencies.
Well, mishaps could happen and you never know when something bad might happen. For instance, what happen if your hosting provider goes bankrupt? With you domain name registered with them, how can you prove that? Some companies will register their clients' private details with another third party as a precaution if they really go bankrupt. This is somehow disturbing because you own the domain but don't have any power in the control of the username, password and other information.
So, how can someone who owns a domain name lose that right? It is actually very simple, every person who owns a domain name has to renew their registration. If they fail to do so, they will get a period of extend where they can buy back their own domain name. If he fails to do so, that domain name will be held for auction. On the other and, if the owner of that domain manages to buy back his domain, he or she will have to face a certain penalty. The penalty will stand until that domain name is released by the ICANN/ Verisign database. All this can be avoided if the domain owner renews his registration.
There is another situation where one can loose their domain ownership if they hit into trademark issues. For this kind of problem, the solution is usually obtained after a court trial. After the outcome of the trial, the registrars will the required action. Here is no refund for any domain registration. What they will do is deduct the cost of registration. So, that is what you need to know about a domain ownership.
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