
วันพุธที่ 30 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Your E-Business - Ruler Of Your Domain

By Mike Hagerty

So you are ready to start up your online business. And you need to pick out and register a domain name. So how the heck do you go about picking and registering a domain name? Read on and find out.

Picking a domain name can be a nightmare unto itself. I can't tell you how many I went through trying to find one that had not already be taken by someone else. Unfortunately at this point in time it seems like everyone and his brother has jumped on the Internet Bandwagon and registered a domain name. Not to mention the latest craze which is to buy and sell internet real estate, which is, you guessed it, buying and selling domain names.

So what can you do? Well if you have an idea for a name already just head on over to Internic or or one of the many other places that do domain name registration and use their search feature to see if the one you want is available.

You really want to try and get one ending in .com. Many people will try and tell you to just go ahead and use .net or one of the new designations that are popping up, but in the long run if you are running a business you want to have a domain name ending in .com.

It's the most recognized by everyone out on the net and really the way you want to go.

It may take you quite a few attempts until you get one you are happy with but you will find one eventually.

So you now you have received that long sought after message, "Congratulations! That name is available"! Now what? Well next you need to decide who you want to host your site. Make sure you are positive before you register. Once you do you are stuck with it for at least the next 60 days. The law is set up so that once you choose a place to host your domain you must remain with them for 60 days before you can transfer to another hosting provider.

Now many hosting providers will offer a free domain name registration if you opt to have them host your site. So do some research for a bit and locate a hosting company you can be happy with. Compare services, rates, support, etc. You can find a wide array of differences between hosting companies. Ask around to anyone else you know who has their own site and see who their hosting provider is and how the service is.

You really want to make sure about your hosting provider as it can be a pain to switch over to another one once you have your site up and running. It's not impossible but obviously can be a logistical nightmare and one that is easily avoided by doing some research before you jump in and sign up with someone.

So get out there and pick that perfect name, get it registered and get your online business up and running!

To learn more information on this subject and how to actually make money online, head on over to:

Author: Mike Hagerty

I have been working and playing on the web since back in 1995 with my first computer, a Compaq 386, with the "lightning fast" 56k modem, that new fangled windows 95 OS, and my massive 40MB hard drive and omg 16MB of RAM! how times have changed.


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